Things to Know Before Adding an Outdoor Kitchen

More homeowners than ever before are taking advantage of their outdoor space. Why own a property if you can’t use every part of it for your own enjoyment? One of the best ways to do so is to build an outdoor kitchen. This is perfect for people who love to entertain and have guests at their home. Here’s what to consider for an outdoor kitchen before you get started on your project.

Determine your outdoor kitchen type

This will be dependent on your budget and what you plan to use the space for. A basic outdoor kitchen might include a grill and an outdoor bar that doubles as a food prep area—but perhaps in planning ideas for an outdoor kitchen, you want to go more extravagant.In that case, the sky’s the limit. From refrigerators to countertops to massive storage areas, you can bring all the amenities you desire. Either way, it’s a smart idea to set your goals first before you design your outdoor kitchen.

Don’t forget the permits

Homeowners often wonder exactly what they need permits for when renovating interioror exterior space. For an outdoor kitchen, you’ll want to check your local codes before you begin building. Factors like whether space will have a roof or electrical supply will affect whether you need a permit to begin work.

Maximizing space

When you’re going through planning ideas for an outdoor kitchen, you’ll want to think about the best ways to use the space. For example, you’ll want food prep areas close by to cooking areas. If you want to cook while guests are around, you should think about which direction the kitchen faces to make interaction easier. If you’re adding storage space, you’ll want to weigh exactly how much is needed and how it’s going to be used.


Like with other outdoor spaces, it’s important to consider lighting with an outdoor kitchen. This lighting should be specifically designed for the outdoors and should illuminate areas where you’ll be cooking or preparing food. Once you have your beautiful new outdoor kitchen in place, you don’t want to be taking your phone out of your pocket to check if the steak is done. Having quality lighting in place is a must.

Consider your preferred style of cooking

You’re probably dreaming of all the food you plan on cooking in your outdoor kitchen. Whether it’s slow-cooking ribs or making a pizza in an outdoor brick oven, what you want to make will determine the kind of outdoor kitchen you’ll design. Consider whether you’ll need elements like an outdoor sink and how much access to the interior of the house is needed.


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